Media: TAB corporate profile

Company Name: TAB Products Co LLC

Corporate Headquarters: 605 4th Street. Mayville, WI 53050
Canadian Headquarters: 130 King Street West, 19th Floor, Toronto, ON M5X 1E3

TAB helps organizations save money, optimize business processes and reduce risk by improving the way they work with paper and electronic information.

TAB provides organizations with a wide range of solutions to optimize business processes and to organize, access and manage paper and electronic documents. Our offering includes consulting and services, software, and filing and storage products.

Our solutions help you:

  • find the information you need, when you need it
  • go digital
  • reduce costs and increase profitability
  • manage risk and maintain compliance
  • navigate mergers, acquisitions and divestitures
  • manage shared drives and cloud storage
  • optimize physical file storage and access
  • manage the hybrid information environment

TAB is a private company with over 250 employees and sales offices in every major U.S. & Canadian city, as well as Amsterdam, London, and Sydney.

For a PDF of our complete Corporate Profile, please click here.

TAB Canada: Commitment to Accessibility
For our Multi-Year Accessibility Plan, please click here.
For our Accessible Customer Service policy, please click here.

TAB is committed to ensuring a barrier-free and fully accessible place to conduct business. TAB will make reasonable effort to provide accommodation in a timely manner. Should you require any accommodation due to a disability in order to access our services, please submit a feedback form (Click Here) or contact our Customer Service Department.

By phone: 1-888-466-8228
By fax: 1-800-575-8427
By email: