

Assessment tool

Are you prepared for a document conversion?

ready for a document conversion


Assessment tool

Are you prepared for a document conversion?

Your organization has decided to move forward with converting your documents into an electronic format via an imaging process. But is your RM program ready? Do you know which documents you will be able to discard? Would your converted documents stand up in court?

Many organizations are turning to electronic imaging to decrease their records storage expenses. But simply scanning your records doesn’t necessarily mean you will be able to destroy all of the original documents. And on a more general level, for electronic imaging conversion to truly benefit your organization, your existing RM has to be able to support it.

Answering the following questions will help you:

  • Ensure your imaged documents meet record-keeping requirements
  • Evaluate how your existing RM program will support an imaging and retention program
  • Understand which records, once scanned, can be destroyed and which must be retained

This is an invaluable resource for anyone who is thinking of enhancing their records management capabilities with an imaging program, and you can download it here!

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