


Why, what and how: three questions to answer before embarking on a document imaging project

document imaging project



Why, what and how: three questions to answer before embarking on a document imaging project

This guide was prepared to help representatives from lines of business, operations, IT and records management in the early planning stages of a document imaging project.

Whether you are new to document imaging, or simply want to validate your initial plans against industry best practices, this guide can help.

By exploring three essential planning questions, you will learn:

  • all of the potential business benefits of document imaging
  • what outcomes you should expect
  • how to plan the project to match your business goals
  • what you should scan, and what you should not
  • some of the novel ways that organizations are approaching imaging in order to ensure successful outcomes.

With this information in hand, you will be in a great position to establish your project scope and budget, and to decide the best way to roll out your document imaging project.

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