


Best of 2018 (so far): the top white papers, guides, and solutions

Best of 2018 (so far): the top white papers, guides, and solutions



Best of 2018 (so far): the top white papers, guides, and solutions

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Top white papers:

  1. Tips for managing your shared drive
  2. Going digital: Lessons from the front lines of digital transformation
  3. The real cost of imaging: DIY vs. outsourcing

Top guides:

  1. RIM training guide
  2. Tips for reducing your offsite storage costs
  3. Taking the risk out of records retention

Most popular solutions:

  1. Going digital
  2. Mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures
  3. TAB FusionRMS



Top white papers for June 2018:

Tips for managing your shared drive

Tips for managing your shared drive

Mismanaged shared drives can create serious headaches. To avoid these problems you need a well-planned and efficient method for organizing the shared drive. This paper shows you how to do that, with lessons on organization, retention, staff training, and migrating information.

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Going digital: Lessons from the front lines of digital transformation

Going digital: Lessons from the front lines of digital transformation

“Going digital” means different things to different organizations – from scanning your paper documents to implementing highly automated, all-digital business processes. This paper shares five important lessons to succeed in your digital transformation.

Read the white paper »



The real cost of imaging: DIY vs. outsourcing

The real cost of imaging: DIY vs. outsourcing

One of the biggest questions to answer before an imaging project is whether to outsource or to scan the documents yourself. This paper helps you compare the two approaches by exploring the costs involved.

Get the white paper »



Top guides for June 2018:

RIM training guide

RIM training guide

A good RIM training program can help you reduce operating costs, increase compliance and improve access to information. This guide shows you how to develop and deliver a successful RIM training program.

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Tips for reducing your offsite storage costs

Tips for reducing your offsite storage costs

This guide shares three tips to help you reduce your offsite storage costs.

We will cover:

  • the role of retention schedules
  • conducting records purges and offsite box audits
  • taking full advantage of your onsite storage potential
Get the guide »



Taking the risk out of records retention

Taking the risk out of records retention

Improperly retained records expose your organization to unnecessary risk. To reduce these risks, our retention guide explains:

  • how to implement a retention schedule
  • how to get the benefits of records retention
  • what to look for in your records collection
  • issues to consider
Get the guide »



Most popular solutions for June 2018

Going digital

Going digital

TAB’s proven approaches help you move towards electronic workflows, properly handle legacy documents, and mitigate risks and disruptions to organizational processes.

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Mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures

Mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures

Large corporate transactions are a massive challenge for records managers. With TAB solutions you will be prepared to manage information at every stage of the deal.

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TAB FusionRMS is a digital filing cabinet that helps you find, share and manage your paper and electronic information. Access physical and electronic information from any location while minimizing risk and maintaining compliance.

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