1. A best practice template for your imaging project
Every successful document imaging project starts with a comprehensive plan.
This template provides a framework to help you build out your own imaging plan. Packed with tips and guidance on how to complete each section, the template helps ensure that you don’t overlook anything, and that you have considered the key decisions before you embark on your project.
Whether you are focused right now on securing budget, communicating to key stakeholders, or simply capturing your initial project ideas, this template is a great place to start.

2. Buyer’s guide: How to choose the right RM software
What should you be looking for in a records management software solution? Our buyer’s guide gives you answers.
At 10 pages in length, this comprehensive guide walks you through all the key criteria that you should consider when researching and evaluating a records management software solution.

3. Seven tips for developing and applying a functional classification system
Functional classification is one of the essential building blocks of an effective records management program.
But what exactly is functional classification and how do you make it work for your organization? Find out in our guide.