


September 2017: How-to guides – Reducing costs, and helping with EDRMS implementations

September 2017 Newsletter: How to guides: Reducing costs, and helping with EDRMS implementations



September 2017: How-to guides – Reducing costs, and helping with EDRMS implementations



The EDRMS opportunity: Demonstrating the value of records management

The EDRMS opportunity: Demonstrating the value of records management

Is your organization working towards the implementation of an electronic document and records management solution (EDRMS)? If so, this could be a great opportunity to make some valuable contributions to your organization.

This white paper shows how you can leverage your expertise in metadata, information architecture, and taxonomy to ensure the success of the EDRMS implementation.

Get the white paper »



Blog: How to save money in records management

Blog: How to save money in records management

Another way that records managers are delivering value to the organization is to help reduce costs.

This blog post introduces four resources to help you create an effective RIM program that will save money for the organization.

Read the blog post »



Compliance and risk management

Get help with compliance and risk management

Information can be a risk management and compliance minefield. It is not easy to establish workable policies in the face of changing requirements and legislation.

TAB’s experts can help you minimize information-related risk and apply proven approaches for maintaining legislative compliance.

Learn more »


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