


September 2017: Popular resources to help you save money, manage hybrid records and more

September 2017: Popular resources to help you save money, manage hybrid records and more



September 2017: Popular resources to help you save money, manage hybrid records and more


Guide: How to save money with records management

Is your records management program saving you money? It could be! We created this resource to help you realize savings and efficiencies in three main areas: physical storage space, staff productivity, and corporate risk. Following this guide can have a positive impact on cash flow and revenue generation via immediate hard-dollar savings and longer-term soft dollar savings.

Download the guide »



records retention myths

White Paper: Myth busting – a records retention action plan

Unsure why, when and how long to retain records? Want to know the best way to develop a retention plan? Bust the myths and get the facts on records retention to minimize the risk to your organization. With this resource you will learn about the various issues and factors affecting retention, and how to avoid those misleading “rules of thumb” for retention.

Get the white paper »



challenges with hybrid records management

Guide: Solving the Top 5 Hybrid Records Challenges

Having trouble managing paper and electronic records together? This resource can help. We have compiled solutions to the five most common records management challenges facing those who operate in the hybrid environment, including: record identification, controlling the record lifecycle, identifying official records, and more.

Download the guide »


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