


September 2018: Popular resources on RIM software, going green and mergers & acquisitions

Popular resources on RIM software, going green and mergers & acquisitions



September 2018: Popular resources on RIM software, going green and mergers & acquisitions


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Eight awesome ways that metadata supercharges your RIM software

Eight awesome ways that metadata supercharges your RIM software

This white paper offers information for organizations thinking about implementing a RIM system, and those that want to get more from their existing system.

It provides:

  • an overview of what metadata is
  • a list of what is involved in designing and implementing metadata
  • real-world examples of how metadata adds value in a RIM system.
Download the white paper »



Records management best practices for mergers and acquisitions

Records management best practices for mergers and acquisitions

Corporate mergers, acquisitions and divestitures play an increasingly prominent role in today’s business world. These best practices will help ensure that your transaction runs smoothly.

Download the white paper »



Green RIM self-assessment tool

Green RIM self-assessment tool

Your organization’s records management practices, choice of products and supplies can all affect your company’s overall environmental footprint. Find out where your company stands with our helpful self-assessment tool.

Get the assessment tool »


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